
Cloud Music Suite

How to Improve at Sight Reading

Sight reading is a skill like any other that takes time, forethought, and effective practice in order to develop further...

5 Best Methods to Break Down Music

Musicians can take several months to perfect a piece of music and there can be moments where you feel as though you have plateaued with the music. To break through that plateau, here are a set of techniques and tools to help your music flourish!

Meet the Instructor: Ben Heidrich

Here at Cloud Music Suite we’re excited to have many wonderful instructors; to give you a better idea of who they are as individuals we’ve taken this opportunity to ask them a few questions. Today we're hearing from Ben Heidrich!

Guide to a Successful Audition

Whenever preparing and going to an audition, it can be tempting to focus solely on the music, but these attributes concerning your character and commitment are often overlooked...

Meet the Instructor: Quinten Wrenn

Here at Cloud Music Suite we’re excited to have many wonderful instructors; to give you a better idea of who they are as individuals we’ve taken this opportunity to ask them a few questions. Today we're hearing from Quinten Wrenn!

Musical Terms You May Not Know

Learning the lingo is part of the territory when it comes to music. It's a language all in itself, from the notes on the page to the symbols and abbreviation. With all that to learn, sometimes we come up with more casual terminology...

Showmanship: Real World Skills

Here, we will explore showmanship is applicable to your life. Job interviews, presentations, and even in your everyday life - these are just a few examples of where you’ll display showmanship!

The Mental Approach to Mastering Music

Mastering your music isn’t always the mountain it appears. It can be broken down and categorized into a mental map. This map is critical to achieving your musical goals by setting you up for success in the long-term...

Meet the Instructor: Angela Lachenmayr

Here at Cloud Music Suite we’re excited to have many wonderful musicians on our instructional team to provide you with the best learning experience! Today we’re hearing from Angela Lachenmayr, who offers lessons on clarinet, saxophone and music theory!

5 Investments to Make you a Better Musician

Your money can be invested into tools that will push you forward on your musical journey! Let's check out the 5 investments that will make you a better musician...

Meet the Instructor: Nathan Marti

Here at Cloud Music Suite we’re excited to have many wonderful musicians on our instructional team to provide you with the best learning experience! Today we’re hearing from Nathan Marti who offers lessons on marching snare drum, drumset and more!

How to Prepare for a Performance

You have a performance lined up, and you’re rearing to get started. Congratulations! Performing can be an intimidating idea, but there are ways to structure your practice in a way that prepares you, most effectively, for that time...

What You Learn From Performing

It is true you can play your instrument for the joy of playing and never perform. But performing is as much an art form as playing your instrument is, and there is so much you can learn from it...

Meet the Instructor: LaToya Johnson

Here at Cloud Music Suite we’re excited to have many wonderful musicians on our instructional team to provide you with the best learning experience! Today we’re hearing from LaToya Johnson, who offers lessons for clarinet, flute, and saxophone!

Meet the Instructor: Andrew Sokolowski

Here at Cloud Music Suite we’re excited to have many wonderful musicians on our Instructional Team to provide you with the best learning experience! Today we’re hearing from Andrew Sokolowski...

How Marching Band Prepares you for College

Are you interested in participating in a marching band at your high school? Besides obvious skills such as playing your instrument, you’ll gain other tools that will apply to your college career...

How to Stick to a Practice Schedule

Establishing a practice schedule is an indispensable tool for learning an instrument but often the trouble comes with sticking to the schedule. Life is busy…

How Much Does Gear Actually Matter?

We’ve all been down that road. “Is my gear holding me back?” Or “would this brand...

Taking Command of External Factors

In life, there are only a certain amount of things that we have absolute control over. We have the ability...

Making the Most of Your Lessons

Are you getting the absolute most out of your lessons? It’s simple to show up, play your instrument...

The Importance of Gratitude In Music

When bogged down in the details of our craft, it is easy as musicians to miss out on some of the big...

7 Ways to Stay Musically Fit

It is no secret that our current situation has played a heavy toll on musicians. Live music, while still...

The Role of Patience

It often seems as though everyone out there is looking for a “get rich quick scheme” when it comes...

Why Your Kids Should Take Music Lessons

We’ve all heard that music lessons are good for a child’s development but what exactly makes...

How to Find Time in a Busy Schedule

There has been a time in everyone’s life in which they felt as if they did not have enough time. And I’m not...

Functionalities of Your Practice Journal

If you are looking to get the most out of your practice journal, there are several other applications...

5 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Practice

Massive progress over time is the ultimate goal of practicing your instrument, but a long term goal can...

The Importance of Organization

Whether it be events, general to-dos or even the physical space around you, taking the time to...

Practice Essentials

Having too many items in your practice space can actually hinder how you practice. Even if...

Why You Should Have a Practice Journal

A practice journal is meant to help you organize your practice time and track your...

Benefits of Private Instruction

Regardless of whether you want to become a professional musician or just want to hone...