Showmanship: Real World Skills

Kinsey Elliott

Fri Aug 19 2022 | 4 Minute Read

It’s important to realize that many of the skills you will attain while pursuing your musical goals are transferable to other areas of your life. In What You Learn From Performing, we touched briefly on the concept of showmanship. Here, we will further explore how this skill is applicable to your life. Job interviews, presentations, and even in your everyday life - these are just a few examples of where you’ll display showmanship!

Key Takeaways


Capture An Audience

One of the most important skills you can acquire from showmanship is developing presence. Developing presence will allow you to command an individual or a crowd’s attention and make you stand out. Whether that be presenting for a school or work project, leading a meeting, or teaching, you want to be able to command and direct people’s attention.

Being able to capture an audience will allow you to better convey and contribute ideas to others, which could lead to inspiration of other such ideas. Evolving ideas pushes you and your audience towards growth and development that might not have otherwise existed.

Taking Pride in Your Work

When you perform, you’re asking the crowd to observe what you have relentlessly been working towards. Taking pride in your work encourages you to strive for excellence at the task at hand. This work ethic translates into integrity.

When people recognize you do your job well it will earn you respect within your chosen work environment. You can also expect an increase in your own individual sense of fulfillment from a job well done.

Body Language

It’s no secret that communication between two parties often occurs nonverbally. As a performer, you aren’t just communicating your music with the instrument - your body language can be a powerful tool to emphasize the emotions you’re attempting to convey.

This skill is just as important in everyday situations. Body language is a nonverbal communication that is continuous in nature. Because body language is never ending it’s an important channel to be able to both tune in to and actively exert control over. Being able to harness nonverbal communication will help you more effectively build relationships that are important to you.

Bottom Line

Showmanship isn’t confined to the stage. It’s a powerful skill that is relevant to several different areas of your life. But mostly, showmanship is about communication. Effective communication is an indispensable tool to your life that will make you a better worker, colleague, partner, and whatever else you strive towards in your life!

Happy Practicing!


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