Meet the Instructor: Quinten Wrenn

Kinsey Elliott

Fri Sep 16 2022 | 4 Minute Read

Here at Cloud Music Suite we’re excited to have many wonderful musicians on our instructional team to provide you with the best learning experience! To give you a better idea of who they are as individuals we’ve taken this opportunity to ask them a few questions about their musical careers.

Today we’re hearing from Quinten Wrenn, who offers lessons on tuba, baritone, music theory and more! Check out his profile on our website for further information on lessons and his background. We hope you enjoy hearing from Quinten today!

What instrument do you play and teach? How long have you played and taught?

“I play Euphonium. I started out in 6th grade on trumpet, but quickly switched to baritone. I enjoy teaching conducting technique and low brass. As a high school and collegiate drum major, conducting really sparked my love for music. While in college I was able to teach and mentor young musicians through marching band. I have been teaching in public schools for three-going on four years.”

What musical extracurriculars have you participated in? Do you continue to participate in any?

“In college I really enjoyed our tuba/euphonium ensemble. I greatly enjoyed marching band in high school and college. I am looking forward to tuba christmas this year and our school's spring musical.”

What has been the most memorable moment in your musical career?

“My most memorable musical career moment would either be performing at our state conference with UNC Charlotte wind ensemble or representing the US at the 75th commemoration of D-Day in Normandy, France with The "Pride of Niner Nation '' marching band.”

What is the most valuable skill you learned from music that has transferred into the rest of your life?

“Patience. Learning about music was not easy for me, but I had to quickly learn that over time; hard work pays off. This is not an immediate gratification artform, it takes multiple hours of savoring moments that lead to mastery.”

When do you find the most fulfillment in your playing?

“My most fulfilling moments are when the whole ensemble is connected. I find immense joy when I can hear and FEEL the whole ensemble begin to play as one unit and genuinely make music.”

What is your favorite part of teaching?

“For me, my favorite part is the doing...the conducting, the listening, the playing and the learning.”

Cloud Music Suite is absolutely blessed to have a deep selection of amazing instructors such as Quinten who bring a wide range of experiences and skills to the table to enrich the lives of their students! Sign up for lessons with Quinten or shoot him a message from his profile page on our platform!

Happy Practicing!


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