Meet the Instructor: Ben Heidrich

Kinsey Elliott

Wed Sep 28 2022 | 3 Minute Read

Here at Cloud Music Suite we’re excited to have many wonderful musicians on our instructional team to provide you with the best learning experience! To give you a better idea of who they are as individuals we’ve taken this opportunity to ask them a few questions about their musical careers.

Today we’re hearing from Ben Heidrich, who offers lessons on Marching Snare Drum and Marching Technique and Fundamentals! Check out his profile on our website for further information on lessons and his background. We hope you enjoy hearing from Ben today!

What instrument do you play and teach? How long have you played and taught?

“My first instrument was piano, then slowly transitioned to drum set and pipe band snare drumming out of all things! I met a great instructor in 8th grade who introduced me to Corps style marching percussion. I've been playing snare drum since 2009 in high-school and professional competitive ensembles. I also occasionally play quads for NFL drumline and side gigs.”

What musical extracurriculars have you participated in? Do you continue to participate in any?

“Sure, my most notable ones would probably be Bluecoats, Carolina Crown and Music City Mystique. I've been fortunate enough to have the means to relocate to Nashville to continue my involvement with Music City Mystique as a battery instructor.”

What has been the most memorable moment in your musical career?

“Lots of good ones to choose from! I'll mention two: WGI championships in 2017 was my last season of competitive drumline, and we happened to win 1st place that year. The memory of the spotlights bursting down on McM and the crowd erupting when they announced the winners will be a moment that'll stay with me forever. Another great one I had was during Bluecoats auditions in 2015. Auditions for snare were absolutely relentless, tooth and nail, anyone who had made it to April camp had the talent to make the line. Surviving to the end and getting to call my parents to tell them my fortunate news was really heartwarming. ”

What is the most valuable skill you learned from music that has transferred into the rest of your life?

“Anything you do in your life, no matter how niche, nuance or ridiculous it might be.... just do it excellently.”

When do you find the most fulfillment in your playing?

“I've had lots of success in my personal competitive career that has been greatly fulfilling, but there is a deeper level of gratification when you see that success manifest in one of your students.”

What is your favorite part of teaching?

“Probably as I mentioned in the previous question ^; Seeing your effort manifest excellence in another person.”

Cloud Music Suite is absolutely blessed to have a deep selection of amazing instructors such as Ben who bring a wide range of experiences and skills to the table to enrich the lives of their students! Sign up for lessons with Ben or shoot him a message from his profile page on our platform!

Happy Practicing!


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