How to Stick to a Practice Schedule

Kinsey Elliott

Thu Jul 07 2022 | 4 Minute Read

Establishing a practice schedule is an indispensable tool for learning an instrument but often the trouble comes with sticking to the schedule. Life is busy; without dedication, our musical goals can fall by the wayside. So how do we increase the likelihood of sticking to our schedule? There are several tricks we can adopt to help us remain dedicated.

Key Takeaways


Why Setting Goals Matters

Having a clear objective for a practice session makes it easier to start. Knowing where to begin can take any anxiety out of picking up your instrument.

Clear goals in a practice session will also keep you focused and on track. This will make your sessions more effective and will make your long-term musical goals achievable. Seeing progress is a powerful motivator - it will absolutely encourage you to stick to your schedule.

Not sure how to set goals? A practice journal can help you structure your schedule in the short and long term.

Make Your Instrument Accessible

When your instrument is within reach and requires little setup, the less hassle it can be to practice. Reducing set-up can take the mental pressure off of starting our sessions. The best way to make your instrument accessible is to place it somewhere you often see it.

If your instrument normally sits in a case, consider purchasing a stand to make it more visible and accessible. You’re more likely to start if it is easier to do so. You may even find having your instrument in a convenient location encourages you to pick it up more often.

Be Realistic

How much time can you commit to practicing every week? If 20 minutes a day is your current maximum, that’s okay- it’s not ideal but it’s okay! Being realistic about how much time you can allocate is vital to creating a practice schedule that works for you. The easiest way to stick to your schedule is to integrate it into your routine. If your schedule is something you need to go out of your way to accomplish, your chances of being consistent with it will drop considerably.

So, be realistic. Remember, your schedule is for you alone, and it should be sustainable. If your schedule isn’t working for you, it may be time to re-evaluate.

Bottom Line

At the end of the day, there is no magic trick to make you stick to your practice schedule. You must simply decide to begin when you said you would (bonus tip- tell a friend your schedule so it’s been spoken into existence). The above tips are to help you create an environment that encourages a sustainable schedule, but it falls to you to follow through. Happy Practicing!


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